GPL Archives

The following tables list important past software releases for the GPL system software. The downloads contain the software for a Guidance Controller including the real-time operating system, motion control sub-system and the Guidance Programming Language. To use the downloaded software, please see the FAQ section in the ‎ºÚÁÏÉçÇø Automation Documentation Library for instructions on how to install the software into a controller.

To download a file, click on the Version ID.

Version 4.3

Version IDRelease DateDescription
4.3 c5
April 6, 2023

Production release of GPL 4.3. Adds support for enhanced dual arm PRsRR, RPRR, and RPR kinematics. Improve web browser compatibility. Add web pages for payload change and safety zones. Increase max user tasks to 64. Add support for Panasonic A5 serial absolute encoder type 50. Change timeouts to accommodate new power supply. Bug fixes. See the Release Notes in the PreciseFlex Library for a more complete list of the changes.

Version 4.2

All released GPL 4.2 systems allow enabling power on newer controllers with hardware watchdog timers.

Version IDRelease DateDescription
4.2 k2
January 20, 2022

Production release update for GPL 4.2. Major changes include: Updates to GSB3 and GSB4 software. GSB3 now supports Panasonic A4 and A6 encoders. Improved Endat encoder reset procedure. Fixed bug finding commutation position at hall sensor edge. Removed obsolete check for power relay stuck. See the Release Notes in the Documentation Library for a more complete list of the changes.

4.2 J2
March 6, 2020

Production release of GPL 4.2. Major new features include: enhanced safety for collaborative use of robots; new CAT3/CAT1 safety modes, new and enhanced kinematic modules; enhanced dynamic feedforward compensation; support for new encoder types; support for user flash sub-partitions; increased number of user tasks, PreciseVision connections, and MODBUS scanner connections. Fixed bugs in power dump circuit, auto-start programs, multi-turn axes, datalogger, array ReDim. See the Release Notes within the Documentation Library for a more complete list of the changes.

4.2 J2 ECAT
March 6, 2020

GPL version 4.2 release that includes EtherCAT master software for controlling EtherCAT slave motion devices that conform to device profile CiA 402 for servo drives. Do not use this version of GPL unless you have contacted ‎ºÚÁÏÉçÇø for special instructions on its use. Not all EtherCAT slaves are compatible with this system.

Version 4.1

All released GPL 4.1 systems allow enabling power on newer controllers with hardware watchdog timers.

Version IDRelease DateDescription
4.1 J4
February 20, 2020

Maintenance release of GPL 4.1. Includes enhanced Endat encoder support and bug fixes. Requires FPGA dated 200112 or newer for Endat encoder. Includes GSB update which adds support for new encoder types and fixes a possible startup hang.

4.1 J1
May 22, 2018

Updated production release of GPL 4.1. Improves noise immunity if unused GSB/GIO is present. Improves performance of dump circuit for Brook robots. If you cannot enable power on a newer controller, you need to update to GPL 4.1 or a newer version of GPL from the GPL Archives page.

4.1 I6
January 19, 2018

Updated production release of GPL 4.1. Includes some minor changes for Endat encoders and PFlex400 .pac files.

4.1 I4
September 11, 2017

Updated production release of GPL version 4.1. Fixes a bug that causes the network interface to drop offline when flooded by message packets.

4.1 I3 ECAT
July 10, 2017

GPL version 4.1 release that includes EtherCAT master software for controlling EtherCAT slave motion devices that conform to device profile CiA 402 for servo drives. Do not use this version of GPL unless you have contacted ‎ºÚÁÏÉçÇø for special instructions on its use. Not all EtherCAT slaves are compatible with this system.

Version 4.0

If you cannot enable power on a newer controller, you need to update to GPL 4.0 M1 or later.

Version IDRelease DateDescription
4.0 M1
May 5, 2017

Maintenance release of GPL 4.0. Supports new watchdog timer. Allows enabling power on newer controllers. If you are using GPL 4.0 and cannot enable power with a newer controller, you need to update to this version or newer. Includes all updates in version 4.0 L3. Any users of GPL in the range 4.0 I5 through 4.0 J3 should update to 4.0 K1 or later to avoid a possible flash corruption problem if the battery on the Real Time Clock dies in the future.

Older versions of GPL will not enable power on newer controllers.
4.0 L3
September 2, 2016

Updated production release of GPL 4.0. Fixed possible memory leak. Fixes bug in DC bus dump control for some controllers. Includes all updates in version 4.0 L2. Any users of GPL in the range 4.0 I5 through 4.0 J3 should update to 4.0 K1 or later to avoid a possible flash corruption problem if the battery on the Real Time Clock dies in the future.

4.0 L2
June 28, 2016
Updated production release of GPL 4.0. Fixes bug causing servoed gripper to snap closed. Fixes bug preventing datalogging from servo network slaves. Includes all updates in version 4.0 K6. Any users of GPL in the range 4.0 I5 through 4.0 J3 should update to 4.0 K1 or later to avoid a possible flash corruption problem if the battery on the Real Time Clock dies in the future.
4.0 K6
January 30, 2016

Updated production release of GPL 4.0. Fixes bug in motion time calculation under unusual circumstances. Adds support for collaborative mode. Include support for: non-volatile memory (NVRAM), new kinematic modules, dynamic feed-forward, derivative gain scheduling, additional torque output filters, improved severe error handling, horizontal compliance, international characters in GPL, robot configuration file protection, additional web browsers (Safari, Chrome, and Firefox), CAT-3 safety, additional MODBUS function codes, encoder latching from GSB and GIO boards, RIO board web pages, 6-axis amplifier and power supplies, and additional encoder types. Fixes a critical bug handling bursts of bad encoder data that could lead to a run-away axis under certain conditions. For details and bug fixes see the Documentation Library version 4.0 release notes. Versions 4.0 I5 through 4.0 J3 of GPL cannot be used with controllers or RIO boards that do not contain a Real Time Clock. Any users of GPL in the range 4.0 I5 through 4.0 J3 should update to 4.0 K1 or later to avoid a possible flash corruption problem if the battery on the Real Time Clock dies in the future.

Version 3.2

Version IDRelease DateDescription
3.2 J4
December 12, 2017

Maintenance release of GPL 3.2. Supports new watchdog timer.  Allows enabling power on newer controllers.  If you are using GPL 3.2 and cannot enable power with a newer controller, you need to update to this version.

Older versions of GPL will not enable power on newer controllers.
3.2 I5
December 3, 2013

Updated production release of GPL 3.2. Adds support for XY compliance in PF400 robots. Adds support for G2430BC amplifiers.  Fixes a bug preventing GCU from being used with multiple GSB boards. Includes all updates included in version 3.2 I3.

3.2 I3
October 30, 2013

Updated production release of GPL 3.2. New features: MODBUS/TCP scanner enhancements and Autostart of GPL programs on a RIO board. Fixed bugs with spring compensation during free mode, axis drop during auto-manual change, incorrect planning of large motions with long transition periods, crashes when using whole string arrays, and compilation while RPC active. Includes all updates included in version 3.2 H4.

3.2 H4
December 17, 2012

Production release of GPL 3.2.  Major new features include: Custom web page logo, single axis disable, new encoder types,  support for Safari and Chrome web browsers, enhanced dynamic feed forward, RPC calls from web pages, user MCP access,  support for multiple GSB boards.  Kinematic module changes include: multiple split axis support for some modules, linear traverse rail and enhanced coupling for PRRR robots, 2-axis SCARA.  Bugs fixes in datalogger, encoder latching, Modbus class, and conveyor tracking.

Version 3.1 

Older versions of GPL will not enable power on newer controllers.

Version IDRelease DateDescription
3.1 S3
August 16, 2012

Updated production version of GPL version 3.1. Includes new features for servoed gripper (GSB): added DataIDs 10202 (Encoder sign) and 10347 (Friction feedforward). Improves handling of serial-bus encoder errors. Fixes crash using Set/Get properties. Fixes bugs preventing use of /dev/com4 and logging data from 6-axis robots and remote servo nodes. Includes all updates included in version 3.1 R3.

3.1 R3
February 23, 2012

Production release of GPL version 3.1. Changes include support for additional robots, enhanced dynamic feed forward and friction compensation, language enhancements, and bug fixes including: datalogger triggering, DataID 320, and absolute encoder initialization. Improves PF400 stability.

Version 3.0

Version IDRelease DateDescription
3.0 M1
June 1, 2011

Updated production version of GPL version 3.0. Fixed bug if right-hand value left off Const initializer. Fixed bug if Socket.SendTo output > 128 bytes. Added dual-stage torque filter. Fixed bug specifying DataLogger trigger. Fixed bugs in reading from serial encoders and improved handling of serial encoder errors. Includes all updates included in version 3.0 K1.

3.0 K1
July 10, 2010

Updated production release of GPL version 3.0. Added support for fractional milliseconds in Thread.Sleep(). Improved DataID parameters. Fixed delegate runtime crash, latching bug, selecting dedicated I/O bug, compatibility bug with some Guidance Configuration Utility control panels. Added support for Denso HS 45552G SCARA robot. Improved handling of servo errors, enhanced Try/Catch/Finally support. Elimates the need for extra power-on requests. Includes all updates included in version 3.0 G1.

3.0 G1
January 20, 2010

Production release of GPL version 3.0. New features include support for creating and parsing XML documents, delegate classes, GPL project libraries, kinematic module for new 5 or 6-axis articulated robots, support for Panasonic bus-line encoders, support for multiple PreciseVision connections, optional EtherNet/IP communications and updated complier which now resolves Class and Const forward references.

Version 2.1

Version IDRelease DateDescription
2.1 L3
November 12, 2009

Updated production release of GPL version 2.1. Fixed memory leak in Socket.ReceiveFrom method, fixed bug returning Nothing value from functions, fixed bug preventing use of 3rd-party servo network motor nodes. Includes all updates included in version 2.1 L2.

2.1 L2
May 25, 2009

Updated production release of GPL version 2.1. Fixed bug in Move.Circle and Move.Arc methods that could cause unexpected theta axis motions. Includes PAC files for Production PP2300A robot and modification to permit searching for multiple consecutive indices during PrecisePlace homing. Added support for G2x20B/C 20A amplifiers. Fixed bug in new Thread.Schedule method. Includes all updates included in version 2.1 K3.

2.1 K3
December 16, 2008

Production release of GPL version 2.1. New features include: PreciseFlexâ„¢ SCARA robot support, conveyor tracking, encoder latching, dynamic trajectory modification, Select/Case control structures, thread synchronization and scheduling methods, enhanced encoder filtering, enhanced absolute encoder support. See the GPL 2.1 release notes for details.

Version 2.0

Version IDRelease DateDescription
2.0 G2
July 31, 2008

Updated production release of GPL version 2.0. Fixed bugs deploying breakpoints in wrong place and not detecting missing right parenthesis in call. Fixed crash bug mixing strings and numerics: ii = "a" + ii. Includes all updates included in version 2.0 G1.

2.0 G1
June 11, 2008

Updated production release of GPL version 2.0. Added DataID 573 to return SIO summary statistics. Fixed bugs in reading protected programs and in deallocating RefFrame Locations. Fixed bug passing object expressions as user procedure arguments and passing "me" as non-final subroutine parameter. Suppressed error if cannot reattach robot after exception break. Fixed crash bug after Exception.Clone introduced in 2.0 f2. Fixed bug trashing diomotion .pac file save if more than one robot configured. Includes all updates included in version 2.0 F6.

2.0 F6
March 31, 2008

Production release of GPL version 2.0. Added support for servo networks, Guidance 1400 controller, 2000 series PrecisePlace robots, Modbus/TCP I/O, FTP password, new motor power supply and 30A integrated amplifier. Added new kinematic modules and remote network configurations. Improved binary search commutation. Added enhanced ShowDialog method, new File methods for directory access, new thread event methods, new Move.Circle methods, new vision properties to get tool properties and many other enhancements and bug fixes.
